My trip to DC to stay at Dischord House Part II

So I made it to DC safely.  Since I flew for free, one of the requirements was that one had to wear a sports coat. It was decided by either me or my mom that my attire would be a black velour jacket and grey slacks…very stylish for a punker. I must of changed in the bathroom when I landed.  I either took a bus or the metro or both from Dulles International to Alexandria and got off at the Clarendon Metro exit and walked to Dischord House…my home for the next few days!

The next day I was told that Black Flag had cancelled the rest of their East Coast tour because Henry injured his knee at a gig in Quebec City…bummer. Anyway, I was at the mecca of DC Hardcore and I was going to enjoy every minute.

Here is what I remember:

  1. Slept on the couch in living room at Dischord House.

  2. Ian’s room was upstairs.

  3. Watched Minor Threat practice in their basement (that was awesome!).

  4. Ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the 7-11 across the street.

  5. Drank a shit ton of Coke.

  6. Walking around DC in t shirt, orange shorts and my high top vans.  I know for sure I visited the Smithsonian and the Air and Space Museum.

Here is what I don’t remember:

  1. Going to the Wilson Center on Friday Sept 17th, the night that Black Flag was supposed to play. The line up was The Effigies, Double 0, Faith and Iron Cross. I took photos of all the bands.

  2. Driving to Baltimore with Minor Threat to Terminal 406 to see them play with Scream, SS Decontrol and MDC. I took shots of Minor Threat and Scream.

On my last day some of the guys in the band and their buddy named Eddy decided to give me a going away present…they shaved my head with an electric razor that Ian still uses to this day.  He had told me that it was a razor that he and Henry bought at a pet store in Georgetown.

When I arrived back home, my dad was disgusted and my mom didn't talk to me for a week.

To Be Continued…

Minor Threat at Terminal 406 on September 18th, 1982

Iron Cross at The Wilson Center on September 17th, 1982

Faith at The Wilson Center on September 17th, 1982.  Ian MacKaye is in the crowd on the lower left.

Faith at The Wilson Center on September 17th, 1982. Ian is on the bottom left.

John Kezdy of The Effigies at The Wilson Center.  September 17th, 1982

The Effigies at The Wilson Center on September 17th, 1982


My trip to DC to stay at Dischord House Part III


My trip to DC to stay at Dischord House Part I