Kevin Salk Kevin Salk

My Words vs Chat GPT: The First Time I Shot Photos of Slipknot

As I am sitting on the train from London to Edinburgh with my girlfriend while on a well needed vacation, I decided to play around with ChatGPT for shits and giggles. I typed in “the first time I shot photos of slipknot at chula vista in 2022” and this rather eloquent synopsis came out. I said to myself “fuck that is pretty good!”. So here it is…My Words vs ChatGPT

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Kevin Salk Kevin Salk

The Night My Mom Thought I Was Dead

When it was time to meet up with my friends to make our way back home, I started to get a felling that something was not ok…I didn’t see any of my friends along with the car that drove us. Maybe I forgot where we were parked? As I ran around the neighborhood looking for them, fear started to emerge. That fear turned into panic as I didn’t see any of them. “Where the fuck did they go?!”, “What was I going to do?” I was so fucked!

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Kevin Salk Kevin Salk

Forty Years Ago

Today is July 4th 2023 which for many mean BBQ’s, parties, the beach, and of course, fireworks. For us punker back in the day in LA, July 4th, 1983 means something completely different. This 4th will be the 40th anniversary of the incredible event that, still to this day, boggles my mind on how it came together.

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Kevin Salk Kevin Salk

Deer In The Headlights

My first adventure back into taking photographs of bands after a thirty eight year break. I felt like I was a “deer in the headlights”.

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Kevin Salk Kevin Salk

My trip to DC to stay at Dischord House Part II

So I made it to DC safely. Since I flew for free, one of the requirements was that one had to wear a sports coat. It was decided by either me or my mom that my attire would be a black velour jacket and grey slacks…very stylish for a punker. I must of changed in the bathroom when I landed. I either took a bus or the metro from Dulles International to Alexandria and got off at the Clarendon Metro exit and walked to Dischord House. I had arrived!

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