The photo is from The Misfits gig at the Goleta Valley Community on January 21st, 1983. At the Aftershock Festival in 2021, Jerry was kind enough to sign three prints in silver ink from the edition of 70 prints.  A portion of the proceeds will benefit Rock Against Racism. Rock Against Racism.

Rock Against Racism (RAR) was a political and cultural movement which emerged in 1976 in reaction to a rise in racist attacks on the streets of the The United Kingdom. Between 1976 and 1982 RAR activists organized national carnivals and tours, as well as local gigs and clubs throughout the country. RAR brought together black and white fans in their common love of music, in order to discourage young people from embracing racism. The musicians came from all pop genres, something reflected in one of RAR's slogans: "Reggae, soul, rock n roll, jazz, funk and punk". Check out their website………